Monday, June 27, 2011

Mad at the auction house

Guys, I have a deep and powerful sadness today and I'm not even sure it's justified. When I went to the auction, I picked up a couple of these:

Challenge coins. Now, here's the thing about them. You don't just get them for sitting on your butt all day. Somewhere along the line, someone did something pretty awesome to have been given one. Challenge coins are given by commanding officers for a job well done. So I, as always, started wondering about them. Who had them first? Who was the man who received this and why? How did it end up here? Did something happen to him and if so, why in world did his family let it go?

Made me mad.

Should it?  Probably not.
Anyway, I see myself as a savior of these things. Every time I see one at an auction or carelessly tossed aside at a yard sale, I pick up and bring it home. Someone worked hard to get it and if only for that, it's worth keeping safe.

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